Blog Archive
You’ve been looking forward to starting or adding to your family, but you and your partner are running into issues — namely, an inability to get pregnant. You’re certainly not alone — between 12% and 15% of couples in the United States fail to conceive after a year of trying. ...
Urinary incontinence isn’t exactly a conversation we have with friends or family, so many people suffer in silence. In light of that, it may surprise you to hear that at least 25 million Americans deal with urinary incontinence, and the odds are good that this number is on the low...
You likely don’t give much thought to your bladder as it works quietly behind the scenes to flush out waste from your body. Since November is National Bladder Awareness Month and we’re urologists, we want you to take a moment or two to consider this vital organ and how to...
There are a couple of challenges when it comes to benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). First, the condition tends to progress with age, which explains why only 8% of men between the ages of 31 and 40 have BPH compared to 80% of men over 80. Second, many procedures to treat...
In recent years, men have been inundated with messaging about low T, or low testosterone, or male hypogonadism — they’re all the same. The condition is genuine and can have a significant effect on a man’s life, but it’s being incorrectly blamed for a host of issues that may not...
You constantly say no to things you’d love to do under normal circumstances because continence issues keep you on a tight leash. Perhaps it’s due to an overactive bladder, a condition that affects up to 30% of men and 40% of women. Or maybe you’re struggling with fecal incontinence, which...
If you’re around enough older men, you’ll eventually hear some prostate talk — getting up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and having to urinate far more frequently are often the bigger complaints. And you wonder: Is an enlarged prostate, or benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), an...
It was a good idea at the time — you felt that your days of fathering children should come to an end, and you opted for a vasectomy, for good reason. This procedure not only carries a near 100% success rate but it’s also considered a permanent birth control method. Or...
You want to do your part in terms of family planning and get a vasectomy, but you’re not too keen on the idea of knives anywhere near this sensitive area. Well, the good news is that knives (scalpels) are optional in today’s vasectomies. Each year in the United States, more...
There’s no simple blood test that can tell you whether or not you have prostate cancer, which is the most common cancer among men (outside of skin cancer), affecting about 1 out of every 8 men. However, we have screening tools that provide essential information that can guide us, starting...
The sight of blood isn’t usually welcome, but it is often a perfectly normal one. From scraping your knees to monthly periods in women, blood can show up often enough in our lives. When it appears in places it doesn’t belong, such as in your urine, you wonder whether there’s...
We want to kick off this discussion with two important points: 1) Approximately 33 million Americans have overactive bladder, and 2) overactive bladder isn’t a condition you need to simply accept. As our name suggests, the medical providers here at Arizona Urology are all experts in urinary function. We understand...
From vision loss to peripheral nerve damage, diabetes can cast a wide net over your health, which includes your sexual health. The reality is that men with type 2 diabetes are 3.5 times more likely to develop erectile dysfunction (ED) than men without diabetes. As men’s health experts, the Arizona...
You inherit many characteristics from your parents, from eye color to body size. As much as your parents influence how you appear on the outside, family genes also play a significant role in operations inside. More to the point, genetics play a role in many serious diseases, including cancer. If...
We take preventive steps for many concerns — from the moisturizer that promises to ward off wrinkles to the exercise to prevent serious heart issues. Since November is Bladder Health Awareness Month, we want to spotlight preventive measures for this important organ. Taking steps now to promote bladder health can...
If you’ve been through the discomfort of a urinary tract infection (UTI), you understand that once is already one time too many. More than half of women in the United States develop a UTI at some point in their lives, and a small percentage go on to have chronic problems...
Each year in the United States, about half a million men get a vasectomy, effectively ending their fertility. Thanks to microscopic surgery, this end isn’t written in stone, as we can reverse your vasectomy, allowing you to fulfill your new family-building dream. If you’re considering a vasectomy reversal, the team here at Arizona Urology understands...
Each year in the United States, one million women experience menopause, leaving many of them to face some combination of hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, weight gain, incontinence, and more. To say that menopause can cast a wide net is an understatement. If you’re feeling the effects of menopause...
Stones can develop in different areas of your urinary tract, with kidney stones being the most prevalent. Of these stones, bladder stones account for about 5% of cases, so they’re not all that common. Still, they occur often enough that the team of urology experts here at Arizona Urology feels...
Across the globe, about 40% of women experience pelvic organ prolapse (POP), which most often occurs after women enter menopause. While there are many steps you can take before resorting to surgery, we want to explore how pelvic floor reconstruction can remedy moderate-to-severe POP using innovative techniques. As urology experts, the team here...
Let’s get straight to an important fact about erectile dysfunction — it’s incredibly common. This sexual function issue isn’t exactly dinner conversation material, so you may not know that more than half of men (52%) experience the problem at some point in their lives. Beyond this hard truth, many other facts and...
Perhaps you have a history of frequent urinary tract infections or previous catheterizations for surgery. In both cases, these events can lead to scarring in your urethra that impedes your ability to urinate freely. Called urethral strictures, these blockages in your urethra can lead to pain, irregular urination, and more significant complications,...
Approximately 1 out of every 8 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. If you’ve joined the nearly 300,000 men diagnosed each year, you want to fully understand your options moving forward. Deciding whether to treat your prostate cancer is a highly personal...
You’ve received our recommendation that we perform prostate surgery to improve your health, and you’re not overly excited by the news. We understand your trepidation, but we also want to put your mind at ease by pointing out that we're greatly improving the process and the outcomes thanks to advanced,...
You’re at a place in life where future fatherhood isn’t the goal, and you’re contemplating cementing that decision with a vasectomy. Each year in the United States, about half a million men take this same step with great success. Here at Arizona Urology, our highly skilled and experienced team of...
You used to enjoy getting out of the house — going on a hike with your family or to a concert with friends. These days, you feel less comfortable venturing out because of overactive bladder (OAB) syndrome, and your world has shrunk. You’re not alone — about 30% of men and...
Flip-flopping in your chest. Pounding in your throat. Rapid beats that make you feel a little lightheaded. All these and more are signs of a common phenomenon: heart palpitations. Palpitations are irregular heartbeats, and they can draw your attention to your heart and make you wonder if something is wrong. Most...
Thanks to your benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), urination becomes problematic. You get up frequently throughout the night needing to urinate, you’re unable to get a good stream, and your bladder feels full more often than not — these are just some of the urinary symptoms of BPH. What they all...
One of the most common threats to a man’s health is prostate cancer — about 1 in 8 men in the United States is diagnosed with the disease. The good news is that prostate cancer is treatable, especially with early detection, and a PSA test is the first step toward figuring out whether cancer...
While Peyronie’s disease may not be all that common — only about 4 in 100 men have the condition — it can wreak havoc on the sex lives of those who do. If you have Peyronie’s disease and your sexual function has been affected, a penile implant may prove to be the...
You’re hesitant to go out and be social because of urinary incontinence, and you’re tired of feeling like a prisoner to the problem. There may be some comfort in knowing you’re not alone — one-quarter to one-third of men and women in the United States suffer from urinary incontinence. Of even more...
There are two points we want to make about pelvic organ prolapse (POP) upfront. First, it’s very common, with a global prevalence among women that ranges between 35% and 50%. Second, many women are unaware of the problem and, even if they are, they aren’t getting the right treatments. The team of...
You used to be able to easily achieve an erection, but now you’re struggling, and you want to know why. While it may be helpful to know that you’re in good company — erectile dysfunction (ED) affects 52% of men in the United States — it doesn't help with your...
Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) affects 14 million men in the United States and your chances for developing the condition are considerable — 90% of men over the age of 80 have BPH. The good news is that the condition, as the name implies, is benign. The bad news is that BPH can...
When you hear the term, “robotic surgery,” you may envision an operating room with nothing but robots moving about, but this isn’t the case (yet). Today’s robotic technology offers the perfect blend of human experience and robotic precision, allowing us to perform both routine and complex procedures with an added...
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, we had to figure out how to accomplish almost everything from a safe distance. Thanks to modern technology, we were able to work, go to school, and even receive top-notch healthcare from the comfort and safety of our homes. Even as the threat of the...
Any male over the age of 40 is at increased risk for benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), which, as the name suggests, isn't a cancerous condition, but it can be a troublesome one. While BPH often accompanies aging, the condition isn’t inevitable, and it can be associated with factors outside of...
When you have urinary incontinence, it may seem of little consequence to identify which type, as they all lead to the same embarrassing result. The fact is that there are distinctly different types of urinary incontinence, and knowing which one you’re affected by can help us better direct our efforts...
If fathering children isn’t in your future plans, a vasectomy is one of the more effective and efficient ways to prevent pregnancy. Each year in the United States, 500,000 men undergo this quick-and-easy sterilization process, allowing them to take family planning into their own hands. If you’re considering whether to...
Consider two eye-opening statistics: Nearly half of adults in the United States have some type of cardiovascular disease and one in 10 men struggle with long-term erectile dysfunction. There is some overlap in these numbers as emerging research confirms the link between cardiovascular issues and erectile dysfunction (ED). Our extensive...
The appearance of blood anywhere on your body is rarely a good thing, but when it shows up in your urine, you immediately recognize that something is wrong. While, yes, blood in your urine may be cause for concern, we urge you to read on to explore the many reasons...
Whether you’re in the middle of a kidney stone event, you’ve already had one, or you simply want to avoid them down the road, understanding the different types of kidney stones may help you better manage the problem. In general, there are four types of kidney stones, and our team...
Your sex hormones, namely testosterone, have some obvious, and not-so-obvious, effects on your overall health and wellness. When you’re not producing normal levels of testosterone, a condition called hypogonadism, the symptoms can show up in many areas of your physical and mental health. To give you an idea of the...
To say that urinary tract infections are common would be a mild understatement — half of all women will develop a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point in their lives, and UTIs drive a whopping 8 million health care visits a year in the United States. At Arizona Urology,...
The prevalence of urinary incontinence in the United States is significant — approximately 17 million people struggle daily with bladder control issues, and 33 million have a condition known as overactive bladder. At Arizona Urology, our team of urology experts understands the magnitude of the problem and we’re here to...
Whether you’ve already dealt with painful stones in your urinary tract or you’ve been diagnosed with a metabolic disorder and told you’re at risk for these unwelcome developments, your goal is to avoid stones in the future. The team of urology experts here at Arizona Urology has the same goal...
While an erection may seem simple enough, it’s a surprisingly complex process that involves several different areas of your health. This also means that a problem in any one of these areas can have an overall impact, often leading to erectile dysfunction (ED). As men’s health and urology experts, the...
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is also known as an enlarged prostate, is a very common condition among men, especially as they get older. In fact, one-third of men in the United States over the age of 50 have some degree of BPH, and this number climbs to 90% of...
You go to the bathroom and, before you flush, you notice that there’s an odd coloring to your urine — one that looks suspiciously like there’s blood mixed in. And you’re understandably worried. Our team here at Arizona Urology understands the many reasons behind this development, which is medically known...
If you’re joining the half a million men in the United States who undergo a vasectomy each year, you want to choose the path of least resistance. We’re answering that call with our innovative no-scalpel vasectomy, which is just as effective at putting an end to your ability to impregnate...
For such a seemingly simple process, there’s an awful lot that goes into achieving and maintaining an erection that includes your physical, mental, and emotional health. If you’re among the millions of men who struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED), understanding this complex event is paramount. At Arizona Urology, our team’s...
One in nine men in the United States will develop prostate cancer during his lifetime, but only one in 41 succumb to the disease. If you’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer, there are many factors you should take into consideration when deciding upon a treatment plan. At Arizona Urology, our...
Each year in the United States, 500,000 men choose to undergo a vasectomy to prevent pregnancy. While this procedure is relatively simple, there’s still some recovery after your vasectomy, which makes planning ahead a good idea. At Arizona Urology, our team of men’s health experts routinely performs vasectomies at our...
To say that an enlarged prostate is common among men would be an understatement — benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) affects half of men between the ages of 51 and 60 and up to 90% of men over the age of 80. Thanks to this prevalence, the urology community offers a...
Americans are no strangers to urinary tract infections (UTIs) — 60% of adult women will encounter the problem, as well as 12% of men. In most cases, we can easily clear the infection, but the problem is best avoided in the first place. At Arizona Urology, our team of urology...
There are few medical problems more embarrassing than incontinence, but we want to stress, first and foremost, that the issue is more common than you might think, especially among women. In fact, urinary incontinence affects about 4 in 10 women after the age of 65, to say nothing of the...
Infertility isn’t all that uncommon in the United States — about 10% to 15% of couples have trouble conceiving. And the problem is generally divided equally among men and women — about one-third of men are the source of infertility, one-third of women, and the final third because of both...
Infertility is an incredibly difficult and frustrating problem for scores of people in the United States — for example, 15% of couples who have unprotected sex for a year are unable to conceive. What makes the problem so complex is that the issue may lie in the man, in the...
The pain and discomfort that often accompany kidney stones can be considerable, making finding relief a top priority. Thankfully, there are several different options when it comes to treating problematic kidney stones. At Arizona Urology, our experienced team of urology experts routinely helps our patients find solutions for painful kidney...
The numbers surrounding erectile dysfunction (ED) are surprisingly large and not only confined to older demographics, though age plays a highly influential role. To start, the prevalence of ED among men in the United States is 52%. Breaking the numbers down, about 40% of men at the age of 40...
There’s a lot that goes into your ability to get and maintain an erection, not the least of which is your physical health. Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects more than half the male population in the United States (52%) and its prevalence tends to increase in lockstep with age (40% of...
It’s tempting to ignore problems “down there” instead of going to the doctor. But this approach can actually be harder on you in the long run. Not only is early detection crucial when it comes to treating health issues, but many urinary and reproductive symptoms are highly treatable. At Arizona...
Every year, more than 500,000 people rush to the emergency room for kidney stone pain or related problems. Kidney stones are more prevalent in men and those with a family history, but even if those risk factors don’t apply to you, you still have a 10% chance of developing a...
Robotics has changed the way I do surgery over the past 15 years. Many of the procedures we did with open incisions have now been transformed into minimally invasive procedures with small incisions and less recovery time. We have performed over 1000 robotic procedures in our practice and patients are...
You may be confronting a major life decision involving children. In the past, you thought you didn’t want children or any more children, and you had a vasectomy. Now you’ve changed your mind. Perhaps you’ve found a new love and remarried, and you both want to have children. You’re wondering...
If you and your partner are having trouble getting pregnant, it’s time for an appointment with a specialist. Your board-certified physician at Arizona Urology, with offices in Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, and Phoenix, has special training in male reproductive organs and provides compassionate infertility care. Infertility in the male partner is...
The statistics surrounding prostate cancer are certainly eye-opening. One in 9 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime and there are nearly 175,000 new diagnoses each year. While these numbers may sound frightening, the fact is that nearly two-thirds of men over the...
The team at Arizona Urology must sadly say goodbye to Dr. Kirsten Janosek-Albright. She has been a valuable member of our team, and her professional insight and personal contributions will be sorely missed. We are honored to have helped her introduce her practice to Arizona, and we are proud of...
Attention certified Medical Assistants! The Arizona Urology team needs your help. We are looking to add a new member to our Mesa team. This is a busy practice with constant growth, and we are seeking a qualified health professional who would like to share their experience and dedication to patient...
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Kirsten Janosek-Albright is now seeing patients in our newest office, centrally located in Paradise Valley. Dr. Janosek-Albright joined our practice in August of 2015, and has established herself as an integral figure in the group. She is trained in all aspects of Urology,...
At Arizona Urology, we take pride in our ongoing efforts to grow and to better serve Valley residents. We have the great pleasure of announcing our latest office in the Paradise Valley area of Phoenix at 3815 E Bell Rd, Suite 4500. This location is the fifth in our practice, joining...