8 Symptoms of BPH

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is also known as an enlarged prostate, is a very common condition among men, especially as they get older. In fact, one-third of men in the United States over the age of 50 have some degree of BPH, and this number climbs to 90% of men by the age of 85.
Having BPH, however, doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll experience symptoms, as evidenced by the fact that 14 million men in the US are symptomatic.
If you suspect that you’re experiencing symptomatic BPH, our team here at Arizona Urology is here to help. The first step is to better understand what symptoms to watch out for, and we outline the eight most common here.
BPH 101
Before we get into the symptoms of BPH, let’s quickly review what causes them so that you have a better understanding of why you’re at risk for experiencing problems. Symptomatic BPH is a condition in which your prostate gland can become enlarged enough to interfere with your urinary tract.
The reason for this is twofold:
- Your prostate gland is located beneath your bladder, and your urethra (the tube that carries urine out to the end of your penis) travels straight through your prostate.
- Your prostate continues to grow throughout your life, which is why BPH is so prevalent among older men.
Now that you understand that growth and location play key roles in the symptoms of BPH, let’s take a look at what those symptoms include.
1. Frequent need to urinate
If you’re urinating more frequently than normal or you have an increased urge to urinate, this may be a sign of BPH.
2. Nighttime urination
Also called nocturia, men with symptomatic BPH often have to get up and urinate throughout the night.
3. Trouble getting going
If you have an urge to urinate, but when you try to go, the urine only trickles through, BPH may be to blame. Another way to describe this is when you have to strain to urinate.
4. Troublesome streams
Another telltale sign of BPH is when your urine stream is weak, or it stops and starts.
5. Dribbling
You may think that you’ve finished urinating, but urine continues to dribble out.
6. Getting to empty
If, after you urinate, you still sense urine in your bladder, this is a sign that your bladder may not be voiding completely.
7. Urinary tract infection
If you develop a urinary tract infection (UTI), the underlying cause may be an enlarged prostate.
8. Inability to urinate
This last symptom, thankfully, isn’t all that common, but it is very serious. If you’re unable to urinate, we urge you to call us right away.
Getting to the bottom of your problem
If some of the symptoms above sound familiar, the best way to find out what’s behind them is to come see us. Our team is well versed in BPH, and we also understand that untreated BPH can lead to more serious problems with recurrent UTIs, as well as bladder and kidney damage.
If we find that you have BPH, we have several treatment options that will quickly clear up your symptoms, including our innovative GreenLight™ laser and UroLift procedures.
For more information about BPH and its symptoms, please don't hesitate to contact one of our Arizona locations in Goodyear, Glendale, Gilbert, and Phoenix, Arizona.
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